Curriculum Resources
This page provides you with the resources to support Curriculum Development, Planning, Validation and Re-approval.

Course Good Practice Guide 20/21

In 2019/20 UAL published the Good Practice Guide which outlined best practice in relation to 12 key areas relating to communication, course organisation and management and key priority areas within teaching and learning. Since then we have seen our teaching and learning practices transformed as we’ve responded to the covid-19 pandemic.
The 20 / 21 Course Good Practice Guide reflects these changes and brings together existing and new resources to support you with course planning, delivery and assessment.
UG and PG Course Design Handbook
These Handbooks are designed to be a key resource in supporting the development of new undergraduate and postgraduate curricula and existing curricula going through the re approval process.
Undergraduate Course Design Handbook 20/21
Postgraduate Course Design Handbook 20/21
Student Guide to Assessment
This publication has been designed to help UG and PG students navigate the assessment process at LCC. The aim of the guide is to provide students with an overview of how assessment works and how they can successfully achieve.
The publication contains a step by step guide to the assessment process, from receiving the Unit Assignment, the assessment of their work, through to the role of the Exam Boards. It includes handy tips, useful links and where to get help. It also provides students with information on grading and the final degree classification.