Climate and Ecological Action

Photograph by Marcus Spiske

Climate Advocates

The LCC Climate Advocates is a new initiative for the college – started in the summer of 2021. There are 9 Climate Advocates each representing a programme area.The Climate Advocates are employed to work in partnership with LCC course teams to codevelop curriculum and teaching practices that empower students to act in ways that take account of the long-term futures of people and the planet and to consider issues of climate, social, racial and ecological justice. This should create the conditions for a student experience that is inclusive, equitable and compassionate.

The type of work the Climate Advocates will be involved in will be mainly at Programme and Course level and set out by the Programme Director but there will also be University, College and School tasks and projects.

For more information about the role of the Climate advocates please contact Adrienne Tulley –

Contact Information:

Design School

Branding & Design Innovation Programme
Climate Advocate: Agata Slomka
Programme Director: Noemi Sadowska

Interaction & Visual Communication Programme
Climate Advocate: TBC
Programme Director: Eva Verhoeven

Graphic Design Communication Programme
Climate Advocate: Deborah Deekae
Programme Director: TBC

Media School

Journalism and Publishing Programme
Climate Advocate: Sophia Saleem
Programme Director: Simon Hinde

Photography Programme
Climate Advocate: Liv Wood
Programme Director: Karen Shepherdson

Communications & Media Programme
Climate Advocate: Charlotte Hull
Programme director: Zoetanya Sujon

Screen School

Sound & Music Programme
Climate Advocate: Will Crosby
Programme Director: Chris Petter

Film & Television Programme
Climate Advocate: Morgan Williams
Programme Director: Harriet Cox

Moving Image & Digital Arts Programme
Climate Advocate: Alejandro Martinez
Programme Director: Susi Wilkinson