LCC Changemakers
An introduction to the LCC Changemakers, a staff–student partnership initiative at LCC.

As an academic community, we are now more aware than ever of the persistent racial inequalities in the higher education sector and in our institution. Sector research says that work to effectively address this needs to be in partnership with students and with sufficient focus on race as a stand-alone issue (NUS & Universities UK, 2019). LCC followed this recommendation with Curriculum Decolonisation/Liberation projects, and in April 2020 we took staff-student collaboration to the next level by creating the opportunity for students and recent graduates to become Changemakers.
LCC Changemakers are employed to work in partnership with course teams to codevelop decolonial and anti-racist curricula and teaching practices, and a student experience that is inclusive, equitable and compassionate. A total of nine Changemakers are recruited and trained each year, for there to be one Changemaker aligned to each of LCC’s nine academic programmes. Changemakers are supported to:
- Participate in initial training and ongoing development, with supervision and peer support, to build the knowledge and confidence required for the role
- Work with the Progression and Attainment Project Manager, relevant Deans, Associate Deans and Programme Directors to identify areas for Changemakers’ work
- Work directly with identified course teams to review and co-develop curricula and teaching practices, from student induction up until final assessment.
- Participate in key quality and enhancement processes, like reapproval and AEM, and contribute to evaluation and reporting for college committees.
- Liaise with student reps, the Student Union, and directly with students as needed, for Changemakers work to be informed by students
- Contribute to college and university wide anti-racism and decolonisation initiatives, such as the LCC Decolonising Wikipedia Network
For more information, contact Kevin Brazant –