Digital Learning
Digital Learning is the use of digital platforms within teaching to improve the quality of students’ learning experience.
UAL Digital Learning Platforms
All LCC courses use Moodle as the online home for teaching, including learning material, communication and assessment.
UAL’s other digital learning platforms can be used for a variety of learning activities: Collaborate Ultra (live sessions), Workflow (portfolios), MyBlog (blogs and WordPress websites), Panopto (video recordings), Padlet (virtual pin board / canvas) and Microsoft Teams (live tutorials).
Help for Staff
- UAL Teaching Online website provides online guidance material for using UAL digital learning platforms and for planning your online teaching.
- This LCC Teaching Hub has the latest information relating to Digital Learning at LCC.
- Digital Learning Support team have a blog with guides for all the UAL platforms
Support for Staff
- Contact UAL Digital Learning Support via MySupport for platforms and student data queries.
- Contact your LCC Programme Administrator or Programme Administration Manager (PAM) for staff enrolment issues on Moodle sites.
Staff Development and Services
The LCC Digital Learning team provide guidance and training for LCC staff:
- Look at our Staff Development and Services Page
- Contact the LCC Digital Learning Team for guidance on introducing new approaches (e.g. using a new platform for the first time) or to arrange individual or small group training. (LCCDigitalLearning@lcc.arts.ac.uk).
- Staff development sessions are offered online during Staff Development weeks (usually in September, December, March & July).
Help for Students
Training for students – if you would like to arrange training for your students e.g. an introduction to Workflow or Myblog contact The Digital Space thedigitalspace@lcc.arts.ac.uk. Moodle inductions will be offered as part of the Digital Space inductions sessions.
Support For Students
- The UAL Studying Online page includes guides on using UAL’s Digital Learning platforms.
- Students are supported by course teams and by staff based in The Digital Space. Students can visit The Digital Space, located in WG26 on the ground floor of the Workshop Block or contact thedigitalspace@lcc.arts.ac.uk
- Students should use MySupport or contact IT Services for system and IT account issues.
- Our guide to helping students with digital submissions
- Digital Learning Support blog also has platform guidance for students