Placements, Careers & Employability
The Careers & Employability Service has resources for academic course teams supporting curriculum development, as well as resources and support for students.

Creative Attributes Framework
For academic course teams, the Creative Attributes Framework offers staff a toolkit that supports curriculum, making and delivery, and translating enterprise and employability into student learning.
The Creative Attribute Framework Guidance for Course Teams (PDF) will help you embed and enhance enterprise and employability within the curriculum and can help support you in developing your course and writing your VSC forms.

The PLACE is The Placements, Careers and Enterprise Zone at LCC on the 1st floor of the Design Block.
It’s a collection of bespoke flexible spaces, at the centre of the delivery and promotion of placements, careers and enterprise activities at LCC.
This space allows students to find out about placements, careers, employability and enterprise activities available to them throughout their time at LCC. Students are able to meet staff and peers at The PLACE, who can support them through their LCC journey to make a living doing what they love.
The PLACE is a part of ensuring a joined-up approach to offering placements, careers and enterprise, under the LCC Careers and Employability Forum, which will continue to comprise a broad membership of College and central University colleagues.
In addition to this, the Placement Manager’s role at LCC is to support course teams with work placement units as part of the degree offering. They will ensure the process for authorising activities is completed, and additionally find placements and further opportunities for your students.