
Workflow is an E-portfolio that can be used in a variety of  different ways

  1. To share your workflow with others and collaborate with other students.
  2. Demonstrate your skills and understanding
  3. Document your research
  4. Maintain a Journal to show your creative journey

Accessing UAL Workflow

Accessing Workflow from your profile menu

The first time you log into Workflow you need to log in via Moodle. Use your UAL details to log into Moodle. Once you have logged in, go to the top right hand corner and select your name. Underneath your name you will see ‘Workflow’ as a separate link. Select ‘Workflow’ and it will take you to your own Workflow dashboard.

You can find further information about Workflow through our video guides on SWAY.

If you would like training, additional support or have any questions about Moodle, please email, or explore the links below.