There is a regular programme of events relating to teaching and learning at LCC and across UAL.

LCC Events Calendar
Upcoming events can be found in the termly calendar. There is no calendar for Summer Term but there are digital learning sessions listed on UAL Teaching Online.
Our events are organised under 4 different strands:
- Academic Leadership
- Teaching and Learning: Debates and Dialogue
- Knowledge Exchange
- School Strand
Some events are offered as part of the LCC Staff Development Weeks.

Regular Events
Talking Teaching (LCC)
Talking Teaching events are held regularly at LCC. It is an open forum based around a specific theme. Topics for 2019/20 include:
- HE Landscape
- Blended Learning
- Decolonising Reading Lists
- Innovations in Formative Assessment (Blueprint)
Reading Group
The Digital Pedagogy Reading Group (DigiPed) provides an opportunity for scholarly discussion around digital learning.

More Events
See LCC Staff Development for other staff development opportunities.