Quick reference guide to the library’s key gateways.
LCC Librarians Leo Clary and Terry Thompson have put together a quick reference guide to the library’s key gateways where staff can access e-books, e-journals, streaming media and databases.

Leo and Terry have also compiled a list of useful article references from online journals which explore online teaching, learning and student engagement.
Library Search – https://libsearch.arts.ac.uk/
Library Catalogue for the searching of book/e-book, journal/e-journal and DVDs, as well as finding information on your subject.
Subject guides – https://arts.ac.libguides.com/
Subject-specific guides with listed resources, set up by UAL’s librarians.
Find e-journals – https://bt2ha9xt3y.search.serialssolutions.com/
Portal for searching electronic journals.
Database A-Z – https://arts.ac.libguides.com/
Alphabetical listing of searchable indexes which provide to full-text articles, e-books, images and streamed videos.
Article references
Aldosemani, T.I. (2020) ‘Towards Ethically Responsive Online Education: Variables and Strategies from Educators’ Perspective’, Journal of Education and Learning, 9(1), pp. 79-86.
Appleton, L. (2005) ‘Using electronic textbooks: promoting, placing and embedding’, The Electronic Library, 23(1).
Coker, H. (2018) ‘Purpose, Pedagogy and Philosophy: “Being” an Online Lecturer’, International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(5), pp. 128-144.
Cross, S., Sharples, M., Healing, G. and Ellis, J. (2019) ‘Distance Learners’ Use of Handheld Technologies: Mobile Learning Activity, Changing Study Habits, and the ‘Place’ of Anywhere Learning’, International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(2), pp. 223-241.
Cross, T. and Polk, L. (2018) ‘Burn Bright, Not Out: Tips for Managing Online Teaching’, Journal of Educators Online, 15(3).
Dunlap, J.C. and Lowenthal, P.R. (2018) ‘Online Educators’ Recommendations for Teaching Online: Crowdsourcing in Action’, Open Praxis, 10(1).
Foley, K. and Marr, L. (2019) ‘Scaffolding Extracurricular Online Events to Support Distance Learning University Students’, Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2019(1).
Fullam, J.P. (2017) ‘From seeing to believing: using instructional video to develop culturally responsive teaching’, Journal for Multicultural Education, .
Gunn, C. (2013) ‘Promoting Learner Engagement and Academic Literacies Through Blended Course Design’.
Lichy, J., Khvatova, T. and Pon, K. (2014) ‘Engaging in digital technology: one size fits all?’, Journal of Management Development, .
Lilley, M., Meere, J. and Barker, T. (2016) ‘Remote Live Invigilation: A Pilot Study’, Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2016(1).
Martin, F., Budhrani, K., Kumar, S. and Ritzhaupt, A. (2019) ‘Award-Winning Faculty Online Teaching Practices: Roles and Competencies’, Online Learning, 23(1), pp. 184-205.
Martin, F., Wang, C., Jokiaho, A., May, B. and Grübmeyer, S. (2019) ‘Examining Faculty Readiness to Teach Online: A Comparison of US and German Educators’, European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 22(1), pp. 53-69.
McGee, P., Windes, D. and Torres, M. (2017) ‘Experienced Online Instructors: Beliefs and Preferred Supports Regarding Online Teaching’, Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(2), pp. 331-352.
Northcote, M., Kilgour, P., Reynaud, D., Gosselin, K. and McLoughlin, C. (2019) ‘A Professional Learning Program for Novice Online Teachers Using Threshold Concepts’, Online Learning, 23(4), pp. 336-353.
Sharoff, L. (2019) ‘Creative and Innovative Online Teaching Strategies: Facilitation for Active Participation’, Journal of Educators Online, 16(2).
Toro-Troconis, M., Alexander, J. and Frutos-Perez, M. (2019) ‘Assessing Student Engagement in Online Programmes: Using Learning Design and Learning Analytics’, International Journal of Higher Education, 8(6), pp. 171-183.
Xiao, J., Sun-Lin, H. and Cheng, H. (2019) ‘A framework of online-merge-offline (OMO) classroom for open education: A preliminary study’, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal,