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Inclusive Remote Teaching

LCC staff can learn more about ensuring safety, equity and inclusion in our new ways of working in a new session on Inclusive Remote Teaching with Lucy Panesar and Emily Salines on Thursday 16 April 11-12.30 or watch a recorded version via Collaborate playback.

The safety, equity and inclusion of students and staff is at the forefront of our minds right now, as we adapt our ways of living, working and studying in the current circumstances. And whilst a number of us are fortunate enough to continue working and studying at home, in good health and with the opportunity and resources to engage remotely, there are students and staff in less privileged positions and for whom existing disadvantage is increasing.  

It is the University’s Public Sector Equality Duty to ‘remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics’, and whilst we have been making great progress at LCC in reducing disadvantage for students with disabilities and from certain ethnic groups, this new situation calls for new types of effort. Other posts to this Hub offer great guidance on creating digitally equitable environments for students, promoting methods relying on the lowest levels of immediacy and bandwidth.  

Watch a recorded version in Collaborate Playback via this link:

Lucy Panesar

I work in partnership with students and staff across LCC to enhance educational practice in relation to inclusivity, student continuation and attainment through project leadership, educational development and scholarship, aligned to the priorities of UAL Continuous Monitoring and the Academic Enhancement Model (AEM).

3 thoughts on “Inclusive Remote Teaching

  • Hello,

    I would like to watch the recorded session – please can someone post a link/instructions to access?

    Many thanks!

      • Lucy Panesar

        Video version now available! Please follow the link above to watch in Collaborate Playback.


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