Safety and Freedom Reading Group
Find details here of LCC’s Safety and Freedom Reading Group facilitated by Lucy Panesar (LCC Progression and Attainment Project Manager) and Pratap Rughani (LCC Associate Dean of Research and Professor of Documentary Practices).

What does the group explore?
Academics are tasked with creating intellectually stimulating environments, whilst also ensuring the physical and emotional safety of students. This can be a real challenge, and there is increasing need for strategies to reconcile safeguarding duties with freedom of expression. This reading group makes space for academic staff to explore this in relation to selected texts.
How does the group work?
The reading group aim to meet once per term for a synchronous session, in which a selected text is read together and discussed. Texts are sent to participants in advance. In between meetings, group participants can engage with asynchronous activity via the dedicated Safety and Freedom channel on LCC’s Anti-racism Staff Development Teams site.
Next Meeting
The next meeting of Safety and Freedom reading group is on Monday 22 March from 12-1pm. Please book a place via ESS to receive a calendar invite and reminder.