What’s new in Padlet?

Padlet has introduced several new features in its Autumn update, a summary of which can be seen below.
Content Creation and Organization:
- Over 100 new templates are available for you to choose from. Each template has pre-set sections and privacy settings, and comes with instructions on how to get the best use out of it.

- You can now control the type of content that can be added to your Padlet posts (text, images, links, etc). Posts can also be customized, to have specific fields for completion.
- Breakout links allow a user to have access to only one section of your Padlet. This can be a useful tool for getting students to work in small groups.
- Submission request links can be used to limit access to certain parts of your Padlet, or allow users to submit posts without seeing what others have posted.
Sharing and Collaboration:
- Your Padlet can be exported as a PDF, and the content can now be customized to show the content in a way that works best for you.

Enhanced Features and Performance:
- Deleted Padlet’s can now be found in the Trash folder.
- Pinned posts: Highlight important content by keeping it at the top of your Padlet.
- There are now additional formatting options within a post (italics, strikethrough, inline code, etc.).
- Improvements to Safety Net: Auto-moderation can now monitor text, audio, and video content for inappropriate content. This does require you set up what is to be considered inappropriate in the settings for that Padlet.
- Padlet’s can be opened as a slide show.
- Padlet formats can be changed after creation, in the settings.
- Posts can be made wider, to make better use of the page.

For a full breakdown of the new features released in the winter update, read the Padlet blog here.