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Voice-first Feedback

A case study on the use of audio feedback on MA Advertising.

In 2018-19 Paul Caplan, Course Leader MA Advertising piloted recorded audio feedback on assignments for the Autumn term assessment submissions.

The aims of the pilot were:

  • To provide non-native speakers with accessible and usable feedback
  • To enable all students to have mobile-friendly, engaging and discursive/dialectical feedback that mirrors their experience in class
  • To empower tutors to deliver detailed and flexible practice-based critical feedback
  • To develop a more conversational assessment culture with the students.

Feedback from the pilot was overwhelming positive from staff, students and the external examiner and the use of audio feedback was expanded in the Spring term.

The College has produced draft guidance for staff on the use of audio feedback. It will be discussed at the College LTAC in 2019-20. If you’re interested in discussing audio feedback or seeing the draft guidance contact Matt Lingard (

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