Miro: Talktrack and Presentation Notes
Talktrack is a new function on Miro that allows users to add a video to a frame. This works similar to cameo in PowerPoint. Anyone who has been added as part of the team for that board can add a Talktrack.
This can be used for;
- Asynchronous activities that guide student though tasks.
- To expand on text explanations of Miro board content.
- Adding formative feedback to a Miro presentation.
- Students can also add video or audio comments to their work, as long as they own the board, or have been added to the team for that board.
- Recording a walk through guide to the Miro board.
This tool is really quick and easy to use. Emoji reactions can also be added to proved some interactive engagement. Captions can also be turned on for playback of the video in the playback settings on the playbar.
How to record at Talktrack
Open up a Miro board. On the same tool bar as the timer in the top middle of the board, you will see a square icon with a dot in the middle. Click on the icon to open up the Talktrack drawer on the right hand side.

When you click on ‘Record a Talktrack’ you will be prompted to allow access to your camera and microphone. Some of you will have to check the browser settings for the camera to be accessed.
This video from Miro will walk you though how to record using Talktrack and embed it within your Miro board.
Presentation Notes
Another new feature is presenter notes. This works in present mode. Only the presenter will be able to see the notes. If you are working on two screens you can move the notes to one, and have the presentation on the other screen.
To activate the presenter notes, click on present in the top right hand corner of a Miro board. At the bottom of the board a tool bar will appear. Click on the preferences icon and select ‘Presenter notes’ from the menu.

This will open up the presenter notes window. You will be able to navigate backwards and forwards trough the notes. You will also have space for you to add your notes.

The digital learning team at LCC would really like to hear of any staff or student using these tool in Miro and how it’s impacted on teaching, learning and the student experience. Contact us – lccdigtallearning@lcc.arts.ac.uk.