Talking Teaching: Blueprint (Oct 23rd)
The first LCC Talking Teaching event for 2019-20, Innovations in Formative Assessment Practices, is on Wednesday 23rd October, 12.30-14.00.

Blueprint is a UAL wide project that seeks to engage all staff involved in the assessment of students in updating their formative assessment practices.The rationale for the project emerges out of institutional research (Sabri 2014-2017) which highlights disparity in how students of different ethnicities experience the assessment process.
This session facilitated by Lucy Panesar and Emily Salines provides the opportunity for further exchange and discussion of formative assessment practices at LCC and will provide a space for colleagues to discuss and share ideas over lunch.
Further details about Blueprint: Formative Assessment Initiative (Phase 2) launches (UAL login required)
Book your place
Booking is essential as lunch is included! Please register for the event on Eventbrite. If you have any dietary requirements please let Adrienne know (