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Academic Support at LCC – How can we help?

Academic Support comprises an array of tailored and responsive support for students to enable them to develop as learners and enhance their studies and creative practices. 
Portrait by Eloisa Matias

With the University’s move en masse to distributed and multimodal forms of instruction, Academic Support remains committed to providing high-quality and inclusive learning for all students that is continuous with the specialist disciplinary and creative contexts in which they learn and practise.

Our current priorities in Academic Support are:

  • Awareness: Ensuring all students and staff know about Academic Support.
  • Access: Ensuring all students have access to appropriate and inclusive Academic Support.
  • Tutorials: Continuing to provide bookable one-to-one tutorials with Academic Support Lecturers to support students with assignments and study methods.
  • Resources: Providing student resources on Academic Support Online to enhance study skills and facilitate adjusting to new ways of working.

Academic Support is for all students, including Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate.

What do students have access to?How do students access it?
One-to-one Tutorials and Group
Workshops Online 

Online support uses UAL email addresses and/or Blackboard Collaborate. 

We recognise that students have varying
levels of experience and comfort with
learning online and we will adapt support
depending on their needs.

To book a one-to-one tutorial or workshop, students visit Academic Support Online 

Students who are concerned about how toaccess Academic Support can write to
Online resources to enhance learning 

Academic Support Online contains a
range of resources, which have recently
been supplemented with new material to
cover learning and collaborating online.

Students access resources on Academic Support Online under Learning resources

We also work with staff to:

Provide support to priority students

If you believe that any of your students would benefit from additional Academic Support, please remind them of our one-to-one tutorials, workshops and online resources. Please let the Academic Support team know so that we can prepare suitable approaches to support.

Adapt planned embedded support

We’re aware that course-specific Academic Support plans devised earlier in the year may need to change. A member of the Academic Support team will have contacted your course team about this. Please let us know if you would like to discuss it further.

Provide new embedded support

If you would like to explore what forms of embedded support are available or could be devised for your course, we are here to discuss those questions with you.

Academic Support is here to help. 

For any questions, please contact a member of the team for your School (details below), or write to LCC’s Head of Academic Support, Christie Johnson.

LCC Academic Support Contacts by School:

Design: Clem Crosby, Rachael Finney and Catherine James

Media: Mel Davies, Jane Madsen and Helena Walsh

Screen: Sarah Macdonald and Mahenderpal (Minz) Sorya

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