3 creative ways to use Padlet
Padlet is a highly visual, collaborative tool a lot like a virtual cork board. Users can upload images, audio, and
Read MoreThe latest digital learning articles
Padlet is a highly visual, collaborative tool a lot like a virtual cork board. Users can upload images, audio, and
Read MoreMicrosoft loop is a great collaborative tool which has just been rolled out to Teams. It allows users to add
Read MoreAs with word documents you want to make your presentations accessible. If you follow a few simple guideline during the
Read MoreDictation or speech to text is often a forgotten about tool. If you or your students are visually impaired or
Read MoreThis article introduces Moodle Scheduler, a tool for scheduling meetings and tutorials with students. Organising student tutorials can be frustrating
Read MoreThis article introduces the Moodle Wiki, a versatile tool for group work, collaborative research, or building a database of shared
Read MoreCaptions for video content are embedded into everyday media consumption such as YouTube, Netflix and other social media platforms. As
Read MoreIt can be a bit annoying coming out of teams to go to another platform such as whiteboard. Sharing links
Read MoreIn September 2021, the data analytics team at JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) which provides digital resources and support to
Read MoreMaking your documents more accessible is not just about running them through accessibility checkers, it’s about making it a habit.
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